Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to the most common questions we receive.
Why is the company called JøRGENSEN FOODS™
We are named for the highly celebrated saint in both the Western and Eastern Christian churches, Saint George, patron saint of farmers and shepherds.
In other Scandinavian countries it means son of Jørgen
How do I report a technical issue related to Jørgensen Foods™ websites?
To report a technical issue with Jørgensen™ website(s), please email: info@jorgensenfoods.com
We appreciate your feedback.
Can I print information on Jørgensen™ pages?
www.jorgensenfoods.ch or jorgensenfoods.com users can download and print copies of our pages for personal-business, educational, or informational purposes only.
How is Jørgensen Foods™ different from other food companies?
Jørgensen™ is not another Food company . We are a full-service trusted company in the procurement and sale of coffee, sugar, wine & spirits, frozen protein (poultry, beef, pork) and fruits with over 15 years of experience. Jørgensen™ is a privately held limited liability company owned by its senior management and is a pioneer of audacious out of the box approach to running an international food and beverage trading company. Jørgensen™ work for its partners and clients is based on a foundation of custom insight and open collaboration not a set of templates or dictatorial recommendations. We assist our clients change the rule of the game.
How is Jørgensen's business doing?
For almost two decades, Jørgensen™ has been building relationships around the world and has been trusted suppliers and advisor to numerous importers, processors, packers and other food companies. Jorgensen™continues to prosper.
How can I find out more about Jørgensen™ ?
Use Jørgensen(s)’™ website to find out about the type of work we do and how we make a difference for our clients and partners.
I want to work at Jørgensen™. How do I apply?
Send us your electronic CV to: info@jorgensenfoods.com You should include a Letter of motivation.
How can my company partner with Jørgensen Foods™ ?
Send us an email with the description of your business and your proposal of cooperation.
Where is the headquarters for Jørgensen Foods™ ?
Jørgensen Foods™ is headquartered in the city of Casanova, Bahia, Brazil with international sales offices in Genova, Italy and Monte Carlo, Monaco